Rookie needs help please

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Rookie needs help please

Post by myfirstresto »

Hey Guys I am picking up a 71 and have found a few places for parts but I really need to source body parts specifically bumbers and a fender. I am new to the celica family and any info on where to get parts for these first gen cars would be great or if you have any parts fopr sale let me know.
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Re: Rookie needs help please

Post by tanro »

Ebay, Junkyards,, anywhere you think you wouldn't find a car. My friend found a 280z that cranked over with a battery he brought, and he got running within 2-3 days in a goat field. Mind you the goats had kicked out the rear windshield gotten in the car and eaten out the interior.

I saw a MKI supra about 1 mile down the road from here. Looks totaled. Rare @$$ cars usually just set in junkyards or people's backyards around here.

Oh BTW welcome to 1stgencelicas
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Re: Rookie needs help please

Post by random28 »

yeah look around the neighborhood whenever your driving about, after watching cops it would seem alot of Americans arn't actually going anywhere so pleanty of time to look around :lol: :lol:
another option is calling junkyards dont know about the states but the ones here keep a long inventory list of cars they have so it might save you the gas calling first!
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