Just got registered on the forum. I've been around the import scene for more than 10 years now, but I've always wanted to restore a classic! I decided on a TA22 quite some time ago and for the last 6-7 months I've been hunting for one. Recently, I found exactly what I was looking for. It's a 1973 TA22 LT1600 that is currently unregistered but 100% complete and running (even if it is a little rough). She obviously needs a lot of TLC, but that was exactly what I wanted. I have been reading build threads everywhere and doing a lot of research even before I made the purchase, so I've already got a pretty solid plan of the end goal. In a nutshell, the final product will have a 3SGE Beams with the J160 6 speed. The only thing I still can't decide is the colour

This is the beast on the way to her new home.

And this is the beginning of the tear down

It is going to take me a good couple of years, especially since I have to finish some house renovations as well, but I'm sure I'll enjoy the process.