Hello all, I acquired a 77 GT Liftback in June of 2020 in a storage unit and wanted to give respect to everyone that posts their build projects and information on here, and share with y'all the progress of my own build. The information from this forum has been priceless to this journey.
Pics of my liftback, day 1 and day 270 in link:
Hello from Houston, Texas!
Re: Hello from Houston, Texas!
Welcome!! It looks awesome in black!!
Gotta get to Ridin’ in my 75 GT 20R


Re: Hello from Houston, Texas!
Thanks man! It's not original paint but it was sitting in storage like that, figured I'd restore it to the best of my ability and maybe repaint later.
Re: Hello from Houston, Texas!
Update, heres some pics outside of a google photos link:

Re: Hello from Houston, Texas!
Sorry, pics don’t show. Read how to post in FAQ section.
Lately my mind is bit like my internet browser; too many open tabs, some are frozen,
and I have no idea where the music is coming from.....
1977 Celica TA28,
1984 Mercedes Benz 250 (W123)
1976 Honda CB750
1992 Honda ST1100 Pan European
and I have no idea where the music is coming from.....

1977 Celica TA28,
1984 Mercedes Benz 250 (W123)
1976 Honda CB750
1992 Honda ST1100 Pan European
Re: Hello from Houston, Texas!
Nice work, Reminds me of my journey with my car from 2007 to present
If it ain't broke, BREAK IT